The Consequences Of Believing The Resurrection

The Consequences Of Believing The Resurrection PS103CD
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Some of the Bible’s teaching on the resurrection can be confusing. What is Jesus the “first fruits” of? Why is He the “last Adam”? And what does it all have to do with us? It’s a simple enough event: Jesus died, but was able to overcome the grave, therefore He rose again. But God’s Word tells a much richer and more detailed story that involves every believer in the redemption of earth and a glorious future with a perfect King.


In a sweeping and illuminating message, Dr. Stanley helps us put it all in context—the Garden, Adam and Eve, the Fall, God’s plan to restore the earth, and Jesus’ role in defeating death and returning to rule His kingdom, together with all those who place their faith in Him.


This message is a part of the series, “Risen: A Study of 1st Corinthians 15.”