Acquiring Wisdom

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We live in a world full of influences from celebrities and pundits to technology and information. Therefore, it’s critical we learn to be wise. While the world defines wisdom as the right use of knowledge and information, godly wisdom means that we have the capacity to see things from God’s viewpoint and respond according to the principles of Scripture.


In this message, Dr. Stanley shares how we can increase in godly wisdom by:


- Seeking wisdom continually
- Meditating on God’s Word
- Obeying the principles of Scripture
- Praying for wisdom
- Observing how God works in the world
- Heeding Godly counsel
- Associating with the wise


Each day, we need to approach the hundreds of decisions before us with godly wisdom and insight. We can only do this by spending time with God in His Word and by surrounding ourselves with wise people. While we don’t know what each day will hold for us, we can rely on the One who does.