Comfort From The Empty Tomb

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The words, “He is not here, He is risen!” made all the difference to the first believers, and it should also profoundly affect your life and mine. Because of Jesus’ resurrection, we can find healing from our past, experience power in our daily lives, and rejoice in the promise of heaven.

If Christ didn’t rise from the dead, our faith is in vain. But He triumphed over the grave and has gone to prepare a home in heaven for us. Because of the resurrection, you and I can have confidence that all Jesus promised will come to pass.

In this message, Dr. Stanley shares five messages of comfort from the empty tomb:

   1. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead and is alive.
   2. There is life beyond the grave.
   3. Christ’s atoning sacrifice for our sins was accepted.
   4. Every believer will experience a bodily resurrection.
   5. We do not have to fear death.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single most important event of the Christian faith. Because of it, we know that our Lord is alive today. We have confidence that there is life beyond the grave. We have the assurance that Christ’s atoning sacrifice for our sins was accepted. We can look forward to the restoration of our bodies, and we no longer need to fear death. And that’s something we can rejoice in forever.