Complete in Christ: Christ in You, Your Hope (Disc 10)

Complete in Christ: Christ in You, Your Hope (Disc 10) AS178CD
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Do you feel stuck in a relationship with God that you don’t enjoy, working so hard to live the Christian life but never seeming to get anywhere? It can feel like a constant struggle where, no matter how hard you try, you never meet God’s expectations.


In this message, Dr. Stanley talks about the life-changing truth of the gospel. If you are a believer, the Lord Jesus Christ is dwelling within you. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and you have all the riches your heavenly Father gives to His children.


Christ in you is God's gift to every person who is willing to receive Him. Commit to live according to this truth daily and you’ll discover that the Christian life can not only be endured but also greatly enjoyed.


This message is part of the set "Complete in Christ: A Study in Colossians."