Doing God's Work, God's Way

Doing God's Work, God's Way MF021CD
MF021CD In Stock


Why is it that we so often hear about believers who are serving God but eventually fall by the wayside? For whatever reason, they grow disgusted, disillusioned, or discouraged in the work of the Lord. The primary reason this happens is because they are not doing God’s work God’s way.

To truly accomplish what our heavenly Father requires, we must do two things:

1. Rely upon His Holy Spirit
2. Acknowledge our identity in Christ

Whether we’re pastors or stay-at-home mothers, God will use each of us to do His work as long as we fully trust and rely on Him. If we do the Lord’s work the Lord’s way, it will always end well. Our lives will make a lasting impact because the work will have been done to the glory of God, and He alone will receive the praise.