Encouragement (DVD Set)

Encouragement ENRDVD


When we experience discouragement, where should we turn? Though it may not feel like it at times, discouragement is a choice. We can either allow circumstances to drag us down into depression and despair or we can look to our encouraging God.


In this three-part series, Dr. Stanley begins by listing many of the qualities that make God our Great Encourager and then explains how He uses those attributes to motivate us. The second part explores God’s intention that we also be encouragers and includes steps we can take to inspire others. Finally, Dr. Stanley reveals how we can encourage ourselves by going to the Lord for guidance when we have no one else to turn to. He is our Shield and Protector in difficult times and promises to be our Counselor whenever we ask.


This series includes the messages:

- "Our Great Encourager"
- "Encouraging One Another"
- "Encouraging Ourselves"