In Search of Wisdom (DVD)

In Search of Wisdom 130804D
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God created us in His image so we could relate to Him and He could express Himself through us. This means that our lives are very important and it’s imperative that we learn to live wisely.


In this message, Dr. Stanley explains how wisdom is viewing things from God’s perspective and responding to them on the basis of the truth of the Word of God. We can acquire this kind of wisdom by:


- Seeking it
- Meditating on God's Word
- Praying for it
- Observing how God works in the world
- Heeding godly counsel
- Associating with the wise
- Receiving it as a gift from God


Are you making choices guided by the wisdom of God? Learn how to seek God’s will and follow Him without reservation.


This message is part of the series "Wisdom from Above."