Jesus the Savior (CD)

Jesus the Savior (CD) AX140CD
AX140CD In Stock


There is more than one way to define sin—a violation, a transgression of moral law, falling short of the mark. These are all true characterizations, but there is yet another way to view it: as the expression of man’s struggle to find meaning and fulfillment in life, independent of God. All of mankind must deal with the problem of sin, and no one is capable of solving it on their own.


God’s ultimate purpose in sending Jesus Christ into the world was to save us from sin. But what, precisely, did He save? Our bodies? Our souls? Our spirits? Our minds, wills, and emotions? In this message, Dr. Stanley studies the profound effects of sin on every part of our being. Each effect underscores our desperate need for a Savior.


When we realize all that we lost as a result of the sin principle at work, we will have an increased appreciation for all that Jesus sacrificed to save us. Learn how to treasure a restored relationship with God, and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who died to make it possible.


This message is part of the series The Character of God (Volume 1).