Living Amidst False Teachers (CD)

Living Amidst False Teachers PO208CD
PO208CD In Stock


What should you do when you encounter false teachers?


The apostles Peter, Paul, and John warn us of false prophets, who introduce lies, heresy, and perversion and bring destruction on the people and places around them. But it is Jude, the half-brother of Jesus, who gives us the most detailed description of false teachers, alerting us to their subtlety, trickery, and snares. Jude cautions us to keep our distance from false prophets to avoid becoming swept away by their lies.


Dr. Stanley shows us how to recognize false ideologies and philosophies and to overcome them with truth gleaned from meditation on the Word of God. In this message, we learn how to become wise enough and godly enough to avoid the deception of false teachers.


This message is part of "Contending for the Faith: A Study of Jude."