Living The Life That Never Dies

Living The Life That Never Dies AP224CD
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Did you know the moment you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and were born again through faith, your eternal life began? The incredible truth is that if you’ve been saved, the resurrected life of Jesus is already flowing in you today. This is a reason for hope and courage—when we understand we won’t die, but merely shed an imperfect body when Jesus calls us home, we can live each day with peace in our hearts.


Dr. Stanley explains what it means to believe in Jesus when it comes to the fundamental topic of life and death. Those who don’t have Jesus will be eternally separated from God at the end of their earthly life. But all who have already been crucified with Christ through faith (Gal. 2:20) need never fear death. Enjoy your eternal life today and rejoice, knowing it can never be taken from you.


This message is a part of the series, “Risen: A Study of 1st Corinthians 15.”