The Best Friend You Will Ever Have (CD)

The Best Friend You Will Ever Have AO245CD
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Social media has made “friending” a commonplace verb accomplished with the simple click of a button. Yet many of our relationships, online and off, exist solely on a superficial level. Acquaintances are often easy to make, and sometimes we may have many. But deep, abiding friendships take time and intention to develop. 

In this message, Dr. Stanley will lead you in examining yourself and your relationships in order to answer three important questions:
1.  What kind of friend has Jesus Christ been to you? 
2.  What are the qualities of a genuine friend?
3.  What kind of friend are you?  

As you look at the life of Jesus Christ and how He interacted with others, you will see the ideal qualities and characteristics that contribute toward true friendship. Using His example as a guide, you can conclude whether you really have—or have been—a true friend. And you will see the loving and selfless sacrifices the Lord made to develop an eternal friendship with you that will never end.