The Real War (CD)

The Real War MB101CD
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Many people are unaware they are living in the middle of a war, one that can cause great spiritual destruction rather than physical injuries.

We are waging a war against Satan and his kingdom of demonic forces. He wants to make us doubt the Word of God, distract us from spiritual things, disable us in the Lord’s service, and eventually destroy us.

Satan is always seeking an opportunity to attack us by misleading us with lies about God, His will, and His Word. None of us are immune to Satan’s assaults or lies.

In this sermon, Dr. Stanley tells us how we can guard against the Enemy’s efforts to lead us astray. It is essential we understand why we cannot believe…

• we can disobey God and not suffer the consequences.
• a temptation is God's work or that He is to blame.
• we can keep on lusting without it ultimately resulting in sin.
• we can run with worldly people and not be morally tarnished.
• the world's wisdom is the way to live.
• we can take a principle of God and call it an opinion.

These are all destructive lies that will only bring us heartache and trouble. But the ultimate deception of all is to think we can ignore the sacrificial, atoning death of Jesus Christ and still go to heaven. Be sure to guard your heart and mind today.

This sermon is part of the series The Real War.