The Rewards Of Patience, #5 (CD)

The Rewards Of Patience, #5 MO144CD
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When we think of rewards, we usually think of those that will be given at the judgment. But because God is loving, merciful, and kind, He rewards us here on earth. Every act of faithfulness is rewarded, though we might not realize it at the time.

Being patient is one way we can reap these blessings. In this sermon, Dr. Stanley shares many of the rewards we can receive for waiting on the Lord. Some of these include:

- Seeing God at work in our lives
- Making wise, timely, and profitable decisions
- Having God’s favor
- Having strength to endure suffering
- Being used by God to help others
- Maximizing our potential
- Cultivating a calm, healthy lifestyle
- Becoming positioned to receive God’s best

When faced with a difficult situation, we have three choices: to manipulate the circumstances and miss the blessing, to quit, or to wait patiently for God to act, trust Him, and receive His blessing.

The extent of your patience will be determined by the value you place on what you want as well as the value you place on your relationship with God. If He truly means everything to you, then learn to wait on Him, trust Him, and receive the great blessings He has for you.

This sermon is the fifth in the series The Power of Patience, which includes:

1. The Powerful Attribute of Patience
2. The Consequences of Impatience
3. Expressing Patience
4. Developing Patience
5. The Rewards of Patience
6. The Patience of God