The Rewards of Waiting (CD)

The Rewards of Waiting RK036CD
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The right action at the wrong time can have dire consequences. If our desires line up with the will, purpose, and plans of God but our timing is off, we can miss out on the best God has for us. Discerning His timing can be a challenge. Sometimes when we seek the Lord’s direction, we feel like He’s saying, “No,” when He’s really saying, “Not right now.” We must learn to identify the difference, which happens when we walk more closely with Him.


In this sermon, Dr. Stanley shares the benefits of waiting on the Lord, which include:

1. Discovering God's will and purpose
2. Receiving supernatural strength and energy
3. Allowing God the opportunity to fight our battles for us
4. Experiencing answered prayers
5. Seeing the fulfillment of our faith
6. Seeing God work on our behalf


To obtain these rewards, we need to have faith, humility, patience, and courage. We must also resist the temptation to follow our own schedule, ignore the pressure created by listening to the opinions and suggestions of others, and remove the fear of failure from our hearts.


Being patient isn’t easy. Because we can’t see the future, the reasons for waiting are elusive. There is only One who can see why we must not act, and He wants what’s best for us.

This message is part of the series "Waiting Upon the Lord"