The Struggle With Jealousy (CD)

The Struggle With Jealousy MC036CD
MC036CD In Stock


Most of us have desires in life that motivate us to do our best. However, sometimes those desires get out of hand and become misdirected by jealously—the negative emotion that can arise when we see someone else’s blessings.


Dr. Stanley teaches us about the causes and consequences of jealousy and how to deal with this tormenting emotion of displeasure. The object of our jealousy is not the problem. The issue comes in how we think about it. We must ask God to remove the spirit of envy and replace it with a spirit of love.


There's nothing wrong with desiring things if our thoughts are guided in the proper direction and are motivated by the right purpose. The Lord will give you the desires of our hearts because it is His joy and delight to do so.


This is the fifth message in the six-sermon series "Winning Over Life’s Struggles."