The Wrath of God (CD)

The Wrath of God (CD) PF188CD
PF188CD In Stock


Is there any reason for a Christian to think about the wrath of God?


By His grace we’ve been saved from judgment, and will never experience hell or His righteous anger. When we fall into disobedience, we experience our loving Father’s chastisement, never His wrath.


Resting in thoughts of His gracious love, however, and avoiding any mention of a terrifying judgment, can lull us into apathy when it comes to the unredeemed—a tragic and selfish response.


In this rousing message, Dr. Stanley reminds us of the truth in Scripture: God is a God of love, but also of perfect justice. And because of His justice, He cannot forsake His wrath against sin. Keeping this in mind will inspire us to share Christ with those who don’t know Him and pray for genuine revival in our world.


This message is part of the series The Character of God (Volume 3).