When Plans Turn To Ashes (CD)

When Plans Turn To Ashes 100214C
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Rebelling against God always ends in disappointment. Whatever we acquire outside of God's will eventually turn to ashes. What are ashes? Spiritually speaking, they are the remains of disobedience, rebellion, and sin that take us out of the will of God. In this message, Dr. Stanley reviews the parable of the prodigal son to illustrate this truth. The son’s rebellion resulted in spiritual, relational, and physical poverty. As he came to his senses, he began to think rightly. Thankfully, we have a God who is ready and willing to grant forgiveness to those who ask for it.


This message is included in the third volume of the set, Life Principles to Live By.


Do you want to know God better? In this series, Dr. Stanley offers in-depth teaching on 30 principles that have guided his life and ministry—truths that will help you grow in love, knowledge, and service to our Lord.