Discovering Our True Identity: Saints Tossed To And Fro (Disc 14)

Discovering Our True Identity: Saints Tossed To And Fro (Disc 14) PR034CD
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Unless we’re anchored in the word of God, life’s circumstances, false doctrine and insecurity can make us lose our way. By constantly studying the Word, we’ll learn what the Bible says, who God is and the blessings that come with following His way.


In this message, Dr. Stanley talks about the importance of having a faith that is doctrinally sound and spiritually mature. When we can explain what we believe and why we believe it, we won’t be carried away by false doctrine. We’ll also be able to use our biblical knowledge and spiritual giftedness to build up the church and bring people together.


If someone—or some circumstance—challenged your faith, would you be able to defend it? God will not fail you. Learn to trust His Word, listen to Him and live according to His will.


This sermon is part of the series “Discovering Our True Identity.”