Discovering Our True Identity: Walking In Holiness (Disc 15)

Discovering Our True Identity: Walking In Holiness (Disc 15) PU024CD
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Before a person turns his life over to Christ, his heart is hardened to sin. He satisfies his needs the only way he knows how—through selfish, sinful means. But once he surrenders to God, he becomes sensitive to sin. His old life doesn’t fit any longer because he has the Holy Spirit living within him.


In this message, Dr. Stanley tells us why we shouldn’t let our old lives overwhelm us and how sin should be a foreign element in the life of a believer. Since we have been clothed with the righteousness of Christ, our actions ought to show it.


We’re not sinners saved by grace—we’re saints who have been re-created in Christ Jesus to walk holy before almighty God. It is a choice we must make every day through the renewing of our minds and by reminding ourselves of the power we have in Christ.


This sermon is part of the series “Discovering Our True Identity.”