God intended service to be a very fulfilling opportunity. However, we sometimes resist it for one of two reasons; fear or selfishness. What God intended to be an avenue of blessing, we might see as a task to avoid, escape from or shift to someone else.
Dr. Stanley reminds us that God has a will for every one of us. He asks, “Is it that we're not equipped for service or is it that we just don't feel we're equipped? The fact is, God would never call us to do something and then not equip us to do it. We were equipped by being born with a personality, a mind, a will, emotions, and physical attributes which God knew were necessary for us to fulfill His will for our lives.
Until we understand who we are, who God is and what God is up to, we cannot be motivated to the true joy of serving Him.
This message is part of the series "A Servant's Heart."