Looking at the Ministry

Looking at the Ministry PV242CD
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Whether you are in full-time ministry or a layperson in the church, there are three aspects of ministry that everyone struggles with to varying degrees. In this sermon, Dr. Stanley explains…

The Provision of the Ministry

A fellowship ought to take good care of those who are giving themselves to full-time ministry. They ought to provide for their leaders’ expenses and share in the fruits of the labor. Dr. Stanley also explains the idea of “sowing spiritual and reaping material,” meaning that God materially blesses those who commit themselves to serving Him and trusting Him for their provisions.

The Pressure in the Ministry

Many pastors and their staff members are in bondage to the leadership of a church. We wonder why our churches don’t grow and progress in the Lord, but it’s because we have tied the hands and feet of those trying to obey God’s call and lead.

Also, while some are called into the ministry as a profession, we all face the pressure to obey the Great Commission. The Lord will keep us accountable to this calling. Therefore, we must constantly be aware of our testimony, the will of God for our lives, and our opportunities to lead others to Christ.

The Discipline of the Ministry

Are you running to win the race the Lord has put before you? We ought to be living with a sense of purpose and direction—giving the gospel everything we’ve got and making it a priority in our lives. Just as an athlete controls his appetites and challenges his body to meet his expectations, we need to watch our own selfish desires so as not to disqualify ourselves and become ineffective saints.