Our Misunderstandings (CD)

Our Misunderstandings AU146CD
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Satan doesn’t always act like we expect, and he uses this to his advantage to trip us up. In this message, Dr. Stanley clears up the following seven misunderstandings that people often have about temptation and sin:


1. Temptation is sin.
2. We “fall” into temptation.
3. God is disappointed and displeased when we are tempted.
4. To be strongly tempted means we are as guilty as if we had actually committed the sin.
5. Temptations follow no pattern; they just happen.
6. We overcome all temptation by separating ourselves from it.
7. When I am spiritually mature, I will no longer be tempted.


The Enemy will use any misconceptions we have about him and God’s Word to lead us astray. Be sure you know how sin and temptation really work, and the truth will keep you free to serve and enjoy your loving Father.


This sermon is part of the series, "Winning the War With Temptation."