Recognizing The Voice Of God, #4

Recognizing The Voice Of God, #4 MI053CD
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When we are facing a crucial decision and are seeking the Lord’s direction and guidance, we want to be sure we are hearing from Him correctly. We want to ensure that other voices or our own biases aren’t interfering with God’s instructions to us. So how do we know whose voice we hear?

In this message, Dr. Stanley explains that when God speaks:

- What is said is consistent with His word.
- It sometimes conflicts with human reason.
- It often clashes with our fleshly nature.
- It challenges our faith.
- He oftentimes calls for courage.
- We’ll have to consider the affect upon others.
- He often requires patience.
- He never tells us to overlook the consequences, though He sometimes tells us to leave them to Him.
- He will sometimes direct us to seek wise, godly counsel.
- His commands will help us grow spiritually.
- Peace will follow if we’ve hear the voice of God and commit to obey Him.

These things are not learned overnight. They take time and a heart that is constantly seeking the Lord. Stay faithful—the Lord will honor those who listen and obey Him.