Responding to our Opportunities

Responding to our Opportunities 110313D
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How do you usually respond to the opportunities God gives you? The Lord may prompt us to help the needy, begin new jobs, take mission trips, or share the gospel with our neighbors. However, sometimes we fail to discern God-given chances to serve because we see them as obstacles or interruptions to our lives.


In this message, Dr. Stanley explains how the Good Samaritan willingly stopped to help a dying person—even though it cost him time, energy, and money—because he recognized the encounter as a God-given opportunity. His godly response revealed his devotion to the Lord. Learn how we, too, reveal our spiritual condition by the way we respond to the opportunities He sends.


Other sermons in the Opportunities Before Us series:

- A Passing Opportunity
- When Opportunities Appear
- Turning Our Crisis Into An Opportunity


Or enjoy the full 4-part series: Opportunities Before Us