The Motivational Gift Of Exhortation (CD)

The Motivational Gift Of Exhortation AV242CD
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Do you enjoy seeing people grow spiritually? If so, you probably have the motivational gift of exhortation.


In this message, Dr. Stanley uses examples from the life of Paul to illustrate the characteristics of a person with this giftedness. These include:


- A motive to urge people to their full spiritual maturity in Christ
- An ability to visualize spiritual achievement for people and to use this to motivate them to action
- An ability to discern where a person is in spiritual growth and to speak on that level
- A desire to give precise steps of action in urging people toward spiritual maturity
- A tendency to welcome personal tribulation as a chief motivation of spiritual growth
- A tendency to avoid all kinds of systems of information that lack personal application
- A desire for face-to-face discussion in order to determine and insure a positive response
- An ability to discover insights from personal experience that can be validated and amplified in Scripture
- A motivation to bring harmony between diverse groups of Christians and awareness that harmony is basic to spiritual maturity
- An enjoyment with those eager to follow steps of actions


Dr. Stanley also explains how people misunderstand these qualities and what happens when a person with the motivational gift of exhortation walks in the Spirit rather than in the flesh.


Learn to love those with the gift of exhortation in your life and ask God to help you encourage them to honor the Lord and faithfully serve Him.


This message is part of the series "God's Children, Gifted for Ministry."