The Motivational Gift Of Teaching (CD)

The Motivational Gift Of Teaching AV172CD
AV172CD In Stock


Do you enjoy helping people see the truth? If so, you probably have the motivational gift of teaching.


In this message, Dr. Stanley uses examples from the life of Luke to illustrate the characteristics of a person with this giftedness. These include:


- The desire to present truth in a systematic sequence
- An emphasis on the importance and accuracy of words
- A delight in researching and reporting as many facts on a subject as possible
- Alertness to factual details which are not noticed or mentioned by others
- A tendency to test the knowledge of those who teach them
- A greater joy in researching truth than presenting it
- A tendency to avoid the use of illustrations from non-biblical sources
- A tendency to remain silent until information has been heard, observed and discussed
- A tendency to validate new truth by established systems of fact


Dr. Stanley also explains how people misunderstand these qualities and what happens when a person with the motivational gift of teaching walks in the Spirit rather than in the flesh.


Learn to love those with the gift of teaching in your life and ask God to help you encourage them to honor the Lord and faithfully serve Him.


This message is part of the series "God's Children, Gifted for Ministry."