Why We Continue To Fail (CD)

Why We Continue To Fail PU146CD
PU146CD In Stock


Do you ever find yourself wondering why you keep giving in to the same temptations over and over again? In this message, Dr. Stanley gives several reasons why this happens including:


- We deny the presence of the problem.
- We refuse to fully surrender our life to Christ.
- We focus on past failures.
- There is a satanic stronghold in our lives.
- We don’t deal with the root causes of our sin.


Dr. Stanley spends much of the sermon on this last reason, walking through several examples of root causes and how they influence us to act. He assures us that we don’t have to give in to the cycle of sin. Peace and joy can be found if we’re willing to pursue it by the grace of God.


This sermon is part of the series, "Winning the War With Temptation."