When Has a Father Provided For Family? (CD)

When Has a Father Provided For Family? AR156CD
AR156CD In Stock


Traditionally, a father has the responsibility of providing for his family, but sometimes circumstances call for a mother or other relative to fill this role. If this is your responsibility, how can you tell if you’re an excellent, good, adequate, or poor provider?


In this message, Dr. Stanley shares how the head of the household is not only to provide for the family’s material possessions, but also for their emotional and spiritual well-being. He takes time to emphasize the importance of providing for a child’s sense of belonging, worthiness, and competence—needs we all long to have met in our lives.


If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility to care for your family, take heart! You don’t have to do it alone. Learn to rely on your heavenly Father, who supplies all His children’s needs—and will help you provide for yours.


This message is part of the series "How-Tos for Fathers."